"That's the Rest of the Story."
I had the privilege of interviewing him in 1997 for my Tulsa book titled "Movers and Shakers." He was 79 years old at the time and what a gentleman he was. I was so intimidated as the interview began. I was praying that my questions would have some intelligence backing them up and if not I was hoping he would like me any way.
He told the story about how he got started in radio when he was only 14 years old. His English teacher Mrs. Ronan marched him down to Tulsa's KVOO station and said to the program director, "This young man has the talent and ability to be on this radio station." That of course was the beginning of his long career.
Then he told the story about meeting his wife Lynne Cooper who he effectionately called "Angel." He had just stepped on an elevator at a radio station in St. Louis and found himself staring into the eyes of a very beautiful and dainty blonde-haired young lady. His first words to her were, "Is that your pretty white car that is parked out front?" "Yes," she said. "Well, you are taking me to the airport tonight," He confidently remarked. He said thankfully she accepted - they had dinner together and he proposed to her that very night, of course she didn't say yes until three years later. That's what you call love at first sight.
Of course he bragged about his son Paul Harvey Jr. who stood right alongside him in their everyday endeavors. Both of their voices were so much alike it was hard to tell them apart.

Paul had said to Billy, "I don't want to be a leader." Billy said, "Paul it doesn't make any difference what you want, you are a leader and we are going to stay in this hotel on our knees until daylight if necessary, to determine if you're going to be a good one or a bad one."
Paul realized that night that it would be dreadful if anyone in their position of "helping others," was himself leaderless.
One comment that Paul Harvey made to me that day that I've used several times in my speaking engagements was this - "We all fall from time to time but those who deserve even a modicum of what the world calls success, gets up again and sometimes again and again and dusts themselves off." That made me think - with the numerous times I've stumbled my modicum of success must be on its way. www.makingithappentv.com