Thursday, May 5, 2016

Pastor Eastman Curtis's Wisdom Tip

I've been fortunate to meet a lot of preachers over the years, but no one has been any more dynamic than Eastman Curtis. 


Be a Visionary

How do you make all your experiences come together to form the vision God has given you? 
Each day you take one step at a time, believing God to bring you through or over each hurdle.  Stay focused and believe in the vision God gave you or the drive to complete it will vanish.  The bigger the vision the bigger the promotion and the harder the struggle will be to get there.  Yet God is building character that only the struggles can provide.  Your faith will grow stronger as you conquer each hurdle.  Never stop dreaming because your next promotion may be linked to the very next person you meet.

My take on Eastman's Wisdom Tip

For so long I struggled with believing God for the simplest things.  I just didn't feel worthy enough to receive the things I needed, so I sure couldn't believe for the things I wanted.  I remember a very wise man saying, "Rehearse your victories" because in doing so you will realize all the things God did do for you.  Each victory is a faith builder, but you have to choose to allow the victory to remain on your list of God Moments, so you will recognize them the next time they arrive.

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