Monday, May 2, 2016

Wisdom Tip from Baseball Star Johnny Bench

Here is a wisdom tip Johnny Bench told me during our interview for the Distinguished Oklahomans book.


The Vowels of Success 

"A" is the Attitude you have to have
"E" is the Effort and Energy you have to put forth 
"I" is for the You as an individual
"O" is for Opportunities that will come your way
"U" is for YOU - You are very special and you always have to treat yourself that way.
Strive to be the best in everything you do.  Not only will that bring you great success, but it will give you pride in yourself as well.

Here is my take on what Johnny said. 

Our Attitude each day either pulls people toward you or pushes them away.  Relationships are the key to any kind of success in life. 
The Energy and Effort you put forth shows whether you are really sincere in what you are doing.  If you don't put forth the effort then why would anyone else care about what you would like to accomplish. 
Opportunities are waiting around every corner.  It is up to you to recognize them when they show up.  If you aren't prepared to follow through with the opportunity presented to you someone else will accept the challenge in your place.
You are a unique individual with certain talents that make you who you are.  Don't settle for less than what you deserve by not feeling worthy to receive the best that life has to offer.  

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